Kazakhstan removed the Taliban

In Central Asia, Kazakhstan removed the Taliban from its terrorist list in December 2023; Uzbekistan never declared the Taliban an extremist group and in 2018 publicly encouraged the Taliban to start negotiations with the Islamic Republic. Turkmenistan was mum on the topic of the Taliban in line with its policy of permanent neutrality. In September

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have made against junta forces

The Karen are among the largest minority groups in Myanmar, which is thought to have more than 130 different ethnicities with various relationships with the Burman majority that has held the reins of power in the country The complicated ethnic make-up is seen as a barrier to lasting peace. In-roads other armies have made against junta forces to the

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have previously been overlooked

potential. It facilitates innovation and supports entrepreneurship, contributing to a more inclusive financial landscape where individuals are seen for their capabilities rather than being limited by past exclusions. This change reflects a pragmatic shift in how society evaluates economic contributions, offering new opportunities for those who have

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Arabia signed a Memorandum

In 2008, the United States and Saudi Arabia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) stating bilateral intent to cooperate on nuclear activities in the fields of medicine, industry, and electricity production. The nonbinding MOU stated Saudi Arabia’s intent “to rely on existing international markets for nuclear fuel services as an alternative

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